India’s 1st & Only Online Abacus Learning Interface
where thousand’s of students are learning ABACUS
that gives 24 X 7 Inter-Active learning mode.

As we know math is boring unless it is being understood.
We must be knowing MATH’s truth that we can not ignore.
Math is a career subject and numbers can’t be visualized, moreover due to math phobia we use calculator for solving silly question that might be possible to calculate even orally.

What If Your Child
Multiples or Divides
Big Sums Without
Using A Calculator.
Make Your Child Human Calculator. Enroll Now.

What Is Abacus?

Worldwide Accepted System.
Initially Student Use This Slate.
Simplify All Basic Math Operations.

Main Benefits Of Course
It increases
Neuron Cells
And coordinate
Left & Right Hemispheres
Main Features Of Course
It has total 8 levels
1 level approx. 3 months
Twice a week live teaching
Inter-Active Abacus Slate (virtual)
Video Support (Optional)
Syllabus includes + / - / x / ÷ / %
BODMAS / -ve numbers / Sq. Root
Web support to practice
endless question, unlimited time.
Each level exam & certification.

How your child will become a
Math Automator is all about training your child’s brain that calculate MATH sums automatically.
We came to know every single step that will enhance your child’s math with Abacus.
Hence we have developed a inter - active abacus slate that will guide your child through out the Math Automator Program as given below.

Understand How Math Automator Program Works

Live Teacher Teaching & Practice Demo

Yes ! I want this course for my child.

Q1) What do we learn with Math Automator Program?
Here student can learn all basic math operations with ABACUS methodology.

Q2) Does this program covers academic math syllabus?
No, this program is ment for covering academic syallabus but its covers all basic math functions like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, negative numbers, percentage, decimal, BODMAS and perfect square root regardless of students standard and syllabus. But sure if your child learn Chanakya Abacus then definately he / she would score high in academic math because we cover and strethen speed and accuracy in above stated fundamental math operations.

Q3) Does this program covers only math related contents?
Yes, absoultely it covers only math related contents as they are necessary and fundamentals of the math subject.

Q4) Do we get any other benefits by doing this program?
Yes, surely ! It has been proved that both hemisphere of brain are actively working with increasing of neuron cells in the brain that results into memory power, concentration, listening skils, observation and confidence level of students who use abacus method to solve mathematic sums.

Q5) Does it necessary to learn basic math operations with ABACUS methodology.?
No, it is not necessary to learn, but we have seen students who learnt basic math operation with ABACUS methodology has gained more. Following are the benefits stated otherthan in last qestion.
>> More command on Math operations.
>> More clarity on functions on Math.
>> Can solve sums at lightning fast speed.
>> High accuracy in solving questions.
>> Found long lasting confidence.

Q6) Does this program compatible enough to teach / learn all ABACUS functions online?
Yes, we have been offering practice session online to each registered student since 2015 and recently we have developed this program in such a way where student and teachers are on the same platform as if they are in class. It is 200% practical because here student learns through 3 different teachers. Like,
o Our Expert Mentor :- Weekly two live sessions contening syllabus teaching + problem solving + taking practice to increase spped and accuracy.
o Android App :- Mobile application containing predfined videos that helps student to watch each difficult sections lots of time. This features is absoultely free for the first level.
o Inter-Active Abacus Slate :- This is the most important and useful content to student. It is a digital / virtual form of abacus slate that will work on both mobile as well as pc / laptop. This is a inbuilt feature for our online abacus students to learn + solve + understand each problem in syllabus. This inter – active digital abacus has a unique feature that can explain remotely (behind live session) each sum through out the syllabus that seems to be problematic to student.

Q7) If my child learns abacus, does he need ABACUS slate always to do calculations?
No absolutley not, this program has 8 levels in total. Initial two level student need to do sums only on ABACUS slate. 3rd level onwards student starts learning calculation withou using actual ABACUS slate that is visual calculation (On the basis of finger movements) few more levels he uses ABACUS slate as and when he come accross with new content in syllabus.

Q8) How much I need to pay for each level of Abacus?
Here you have to pay only 1499/- each level against your child’s most important career subject i.e. math.

Q9) How do I pay cash and enroll my childs name in this Math Automator program based on Abacus method?
Yes it is easy to pay online and fill the required form. It will automatically enrolled to this program. Our care team will be backing you up to guid further. Click here to pay online.

Q10) What will be the next step after enrollment? How long will it take to start my childs Abacus class?
It won’t take much time within 48 hours our back end care team will contact you and your child will be connected with his / her class teacher.

Q11) What student will get after registration / enrollment?
Here student will get a login ID for our website. It consist of 3 major section to learn and rest two for self information and evaluation section. Learning 3 section desribe here with.
o Syllabus – This section covers entire syllabus with pagewise and solutionwise (Inter-Active slate helps in case of difficult questions).
o Practice – This section helps students to do endless practice on different contents of abacus syllabus like – normal question practice + topicwise practice + dictation + tables practice.
o Exam – This section divided into two parts first is MOCK Test practice and another FINAL Test. MOCK section helps student to practice as many times as he want to. It section is acitvated 7 days before the final level exam.

Q12) My child is very poor in math subject, will he be able to understand ABACUS?
No problem your child will learn & perform well in every content of ABACUS syllabus even if your child is in the state of calculating simple sums by arranging or crossing the lines or calculate using fingers.

Q13) What if my child does not understand in two days in a week live session, conducted by your teacher?
No problem, it may rarely happen with few of our student but no need to worry. We here by assure you that unless and until your child doesn’t come up with company’s standard our teacher won’t take his / her level’s final exam. Our teacher evaluates each student in periodical basis and ensure each student will learn abacus effortlessly.

Q14) How many students you allow in one batch?
Only 15 student we allow in each batch because we belive in each student’s progress.

Q15) What is the stipulated time period for each level?
Generally 3 months is expected to cover each level’s syllabus but we experienced that many a times student above 5th standard covers syllabus within stipulated time period and students below 5th level may need entire 3 months or may be more than that. Here one thing you need to know we charge for the level fees and not for the days he coverd. So don’t worry if your child take more than 3 months time.

Q16) What is company’s policy regarding conducting level exam and certification thereof?
After completion of each level syllabus we conducts level exam, for that we activate his / her MOCK test practice session 7 days before final exam. Here student can practice as many times as he / she wants to do. No restrictions at all. Attempt for the final exam is only for one time.

Q17) What next if my childs completes level exam?
If the student complete level exam then company issue a e-certificate to each level with achieved grades.

Q18) Do you condutcts any kind of Abacus competition?
Yes, definately we conducts two different kinds of Abacus competition. One is physical competition where student has to attend to the city whereever it is being conducted and another is online where studen have to perform exam on pc or laptop.

Q19) Do we need to pay extra amount for enrolling into competition? and is it compulsory to participate in competition?
Yes enrolling fees for competition is extra amount than that of your level fees. It is actually not fix but generally it has not been charge more than 600/- .
o It is not compulsory to participate in competition either it is physical or online. It is totally up to parents and sutdent’s wish to participate or not.

Our Parents Opinion About Online Course

Are You Ready To Make Your Child Abacus Master ?

A Small Price For Your Child’s Growth

Fees For In-Class Course
Per Level Rs 2500
40% OFF Special Offer
You Just Have To Pay
Rs 1499/- Per Level

Pay Now And Enroll Your Name.

Small Price With High Benefits

Web Login Access
Per week 2 session by our teacher.
Endless Practice Access.
Inter – Active Abacus Slate Support
Predefined Video Application worth Rs 1999 /-
Abacus Slate worth Rs 200/- at your home address
Exam Fees Included
e - Certificate Charges Included
    PAY NOW    

We have served more than 8500 students till date. We are serving our student online practice sessions as well as online competition module since 2015.

Photos & Videos Of Regional + Online Competition

Proven Facts OF Abacus Course
Thousands of Students overcoming from math fear
Math Anxiety
It affects the children’s mental ability. It can lead to poor performance and leave him in many shameful situations.
If we train his brain with proper guidance and education then child’s interest will be increased in math subjects.
Math is a Carrier Subject
We can’t take chance with our child’s career. We can opt for any other subjects in any competition but not math subject.
Hence we need to strengthen basic math operations at very early age of child. Chanakya Abacus strengthen fundamental math with speed and accuracy.
Numbers are Intangible
Numbers can’t be picturised hence we initially relate pictures with numbers and abacus works only on such phenomena that converts every number into picture and student does math operations picture by picture.
Comparison Between Features Of Chanakya Abacus & Others

Chanakya Abacus Other Abacus
Online Syllabus - Entire Course No One
Online Extra Practice – Unlimited No One
Online Level Exam - Mock & Final No One
Online Competition - Every year Few
Video Tutorial - Android App Few
Inter Active Abacus - Digital Form No One
Compatibility Mobile + Computer No One
Best Price Rs 1499/- Rs 2500 - 3000